How long the people need for take a conscience the world?
This is our world, the only world, many people talk about the beginning, god did all, and he created the flowers, and the animals. Many people celebrate this words all days.
But, is it enough? Not really. If this people don't just listen and repeat the world could be different, if the people do other things, other actions, if people were honest.
But they are?
Actually, in other cities, is necessary now do actions because the weather are polluted and the people are feeling more sick, the medicine dont have the same effect and the people need more doses, it's this necessary?
Other people are begun to do something for this, have recyclable waste, talking about the melting poles and do meetings and other actions for this problem.
The idea could be to do eco-Club in the school's, because the people young and the child need to meet this problems and start to put end for this.
In Mexico, the people consume more water, in the bathroom, in the job, in the washes, polluted the water when the people throw liquids in the sea, when we throw garbage in the street and ¿What happen with this? The people dont have the necessary attention because the situation is worse.
For this, is necessary talk about this for the beginning and do other education, where threw garbage are an insult for the world, and the people that you have, be seen badly in the street.
Because in the future the young family will suffer the consciences.
Change now, because tomorrow.
You will do it?
Open your eyes.